Random Crap
making the world safer for one doggie at a time
on our trek out yesterday afternoon in the 40 MPH crosswinds (which should be avoided on 121 on a motorcycle), we stopped over at Operation Kindness to look at pups. stacy and i are both big dog (not in size, in fanatacism) fans and have decided that a doggie would be the perfect addition to the family. anyone who's ever been to a pound or a shelter or rescue knows the torture of looking at cute pups behind bars. unlike other places, where you can stick your fingers in the cage and touch the animals, these nazis over at OK basically took the approach of my mother when i was five. look with your eyes and not with your hands and keep your hands in your pockets. i don't know about you, but if i'm going to be taking an animal home, i want some interaction. now, i know that this is for our safety, but it was a pretty silly sight to see me trying to squeeze my head thru the bars just so i could get slathered with puppy breath. stacy is a big fan of ridgebacks and i'm a lab fan. i like em dopey and goofy. they had some really cute pups and some larger dogs that seemed to all have a little pit mix in them, but we've got plenty of other places to look and honestly, i'd almost prefer to hit a rescue so my chances of more of a purebred are good. and since OK doesn't kill their animals, we know they'll be going to a safe place eventually.
what's dude? is that like dude ranch?
'george hanson' couldn't have said it better. got the same exact response yesterday afternoon when out on the ride. it was followed up by '. . . i love those bars!' even with the little bits of appreciation like that from others, by the end of the ride, i was thinking i should have just stayed in bed and never left the apartment. it was supposed to be a beautiful day, just like it was on saturday. 80 degrees, sun out, light wind and all the time to ride in the world. instead, it was cloudy and the 40 mph wind gusts treated me like a bitch. especially on an open road with nothing on either side to block it and a speed limit running at about 60. not a problem in a cage, but i was rocking side to side like a recovering coke addict in a padded room. to top it off, while out on 121, i ran out of gas. whatever city planner decided that 121 shouldn't have gas stations for 20 miles should have his ass removed. thank goodness for the backup, but by the time i got to a gas station, i didn't even have fumes left. and the first station i pulled into WAS OUT OF GAS! this is what my life will be like today. thank god i don't have a permit to carry.
on an up side to this whole fiasco, i got my new pipes ordered and a new solo seat. no more bitches and no more bubs. the HKs that i've bought are the loudest and meanest looking after-market pipes available for a honda. makes me happy that i'll be moving to a parking garage in two months. and i'll no longer have noise envy of my fiancee's pipes.
Any finds a friend
my to-be stepson is as big a gaming freak as i am. almost more so. give the boy a console system and you've got an instant baby sitter for upwards of 9 days. recently, he's been spending a lot of time on my couch fused to the xbox controller playing simpson's road rage and kotor 2. simpson's RR is basically GTA in the simpson's world, but just really boring. he enjoy's it, which is cool, but i introduced him to kotor on saturday and he's left this world completely. he's totally engulfed in it. so while microsoft raises my soon to be son, stacy and i can get other things done around the house. this weekend, we step downstairs to check on him and Any has walked in from an evening out with the brathas and is entranced by the game and has become russell's wing man, so to speak, on getting thru the game. he's even indicated that he's interested in playing the game himself which really makes me wonder if the REAL Any has been abducted by aliens. getting him out of bed or away from his own computer is an act of god, so i'm waiting for Any to peel away his outer skin and reveal jose canseco or burt reynolds or an alien whose real mission is to start the probing. now i'm really concerned. :\
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