as seems to be the fad lately, bloggers are releasing unknown information about themselves to their readers. i figured i'd jump on the bandwagon and give you my list, in no particular order.
- i've never owned an umbrella. don't use them, don't believe in them
- i don't use straws. not manly, same as above.
- i used to have curly, blonde hair when i was younger. larry bird style.
- i also used to have a mullet - in high school
- i used to have hair. period.
- i have no gag reflex
- i've never done any hardcore drugs - pot only.
- oh, and those 3 solid days of sniffing cocaine off those hooker's asses. but that's it.
- i can burp on command
- i'm terrified of big spiders and cockroaches. i turn into a pissy little girl whenever either are around.
- i secretly think Keaneau Reeves is a great actor.
- i can't stand christian rock.
- the first concert i ever saw was Amy Grant.
- the second concert i ever saw was ZZ Top, thus nullifying the Amy Grant concert.
- i've never cheated on anyone in my life.
- i've cheated on a lot of tests in my life.
- i've been to jail. in mexico.
- i was joking about that Keaneau Reeves thing.
- i repeated the 10th grade. twice.
- or did i?
- i've never intentionally killed an animal.
- intentionally, i've killed 8 men. all from the same circus. i blew up their clown car.
- i love my parents. they are some of my best friends. my sisters too.
- britney spears and paris hilton make me sick. they should just do their stint in jugs magazine and go crawl into a cave somewhere, never to be seen again.
- i once had to wear my superman underoos to school. 7th grade gym class was not pleasant.
- i actually outran the cops once. after throwing eggs on their cruiser. while it was moving.
- i have published work as a photographer.
- i have a very green thumb.
- strip clubs are stupid. very stupid. a waste of my two thousand dollars. every time.
- i love going to the DMA. but i haven't been in 8 years. i used to go once a week when i was in school.
- i love home depot.
- i envy my friends and parents with happy marriages.
- i own a kadeem hardison movie. and i've seen it more than 5 times.
- i can consume a 16 oz bag of sunflower seeds in two days.
- i love spam. the meat, that is.
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